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Janowice Wielkie

Janowice Wielkie

Janowice Wielkie is a village in Jelenia Góra County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, in south-western Poland. It is the seat of the administrative district called Gmina Janowice Wielkie. The population is circa 2,100. The town lies approximately 14 kilometres east of Jelenia Góra and 84 km west of the regional capital Wrocław. Until May 1945 Jannowitz was in Germany, the far-western part of Silesia, and a summer resort in the foothills of the Silesian or Great Mountains. From here is a direct route south to Bolczów Castle, the imposing ruins of an old castle destroyed by the Swedes in 1643. At the end of World War II, Jannowitz fell into the Soviet Zone of occupation, with the rest of Silesia. The Soviets handed the entire province over to their client state, communist Poland. The German population was expelled.

Pia Cramling

Pia Cramling

D'Pia Cramling, gebuer den 23. Abrëll 1963 zu Stockholm, ass eng schweedesch Schachspillerin. Den Titel vum Groussmeeschter krut si am Joer 1992. Hir aktuell Elo-Zuel läit bei 2523 an hir maximal erreechte bei 2550; domat ass si déi bescht schweedesch Schachspillerin an ass op Plaz 10 vun der Fraeweltranglëscht an op Plaz 605 vun der Männerweltranglëscht.

Steve Finnan

Steve Finnan

Stephen John »Steve« Finnan, irski nogometaš, * 24. april 1976, Limerick, Irska. Finnan je edini nogometaš. ki je igral na Svetovnem prvenstvu, Ligi prvakov, Pokalu UEFA, vseh štirih ligah angleškega nogometa ter angleški konferenci.

Anagawa Station (Mie)

Anagawa Station (Mie)

Anagawa Station is a railway station in Shima, Mie Prefecture, operated by the Kintetsu Railway. The station is 59.1 rail kilometers from the terminus of the line at Ise-Nakagawa Station.

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