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Propaganda for Japanese-American internment

Propaganda for Japanese-American internment

Propaganda for Japanese-American internment is a form of propaganda created between 1941 and 1944 within the United States that focused on the relocation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast to internment camps during World War II. Several types of media were used to reach the American people such as motion pictures and newspaper articles. The significance of this propaganda was to project the relocation of Japanese Americans as matter of national security, although according to a federal commission created by President Jimmy Carter in 1980: The promulgation of Executive Order 9066 was not justified by military necessity, and the decisions that followed from it – detention, ending detention and ending exclusion – were not driven by analysis of military conditions. The broad historical causes which shaped these decisions were race prejudice, war hysteria and a failure of political leadership.

केट विन्स्लेट

केट विन्स्लेट

केट विन्स्लेट एक बेलायती अभिनेत्री तथा गायिका हुन् । उनको जन्म स.न् १९७५ को सेप्टेम्बर ५ मा बेलायतको रिडिङ सहरमा भएको थियो ।

Hr.Ms. Freyr (1954)

Hr.Ms. Freyr (1954)

De Hr.Ms. Freyr was een Nederlands patrouillevaartuig van de Balderklasse. Het schip was het tweede schip bij de Nederlandse marine dat is vernoemd naar Freyr, de Germaanse en Noordse god van de vruchtbaarheid. De Freyr is gebouwd door de Rijkswerf Willemsoord in Den Helder. De kiel van het schip werd gelegd op 24 februari 1954 en op 21 juli werd het te water gelaten en in dienst genomen.

Christina Cole

Christina Cole

Christina Cole, alumna scholae scaenicae Oxoniensis est actrix, nota agenda Cassie Hughes in serie televisifica Hex.

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