Strongylosteus hindenburgi
Lo strongilosteo è un pesce osseo estinto, appartenente agli acipenseriformi. Visse nel Giurassico inferiore e i suoi resti fossili sono stati ritrovati in Germania.
Lo strongilosteo è un pesce osseo estinto, appartenente agli acipenseriformi. Visse nel Giurassico inferiore e i suoi resti fossili sono stati ritrovati in Germania.
The yellow-throated leafbird is a species of bird in the family Chloropseidae. It is endemic to the Palawan in the Philippines. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest. The Palawan leafbird is a small bird with broad wings and a long tail that's easily recognizable by its green body color and yellow throat. Its green color makes it very hard to see among the green leaves of the forest canopy, hence the name "leafbird". The Palawan leafbird is commonly found in forest, forest edge, and scrub. It uses its pointed slender bill to feed on insects and small fruits in the forest canopy, where it often forms mixed flocks with bulbuls. It is a fairly common to common species endemic to Palawan. The Palawan leafbird is found in Balabac, Busuanga, Calauit, Coron, Culion, Dumaran, and mainland Palawan.
Schloonsee is a lake in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. It belongs to Bansin on Usedom island. At an elevation of 0 m, its surface area is 0.14 km².
Масароза је насеље у Италији у округу Лука, региону Тоскана. Према процени из 2011. у насељу је живело 10881 становника. Насеље се налази на надморској висини од 13 м.