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Liste von Kartennetzentwürfen

Liste von Kartennetzentwürfen

Dies ist eine chronologisch sortierte Liste von Kartennetzentwürfen, die eigene Artikel auf Wikipedia haben oder anderweitig bemerkenswert sind. Da die Anzahl der möglichen Kartenprojektionen nicht begrenzt ist, kann es keine umfassende Liste geben.




Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base

Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base

Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base is a joint installation shared by various active component and reserve component military units, as well as aircraft flight operations of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the aegis of the nearby Johnson Space Center. The host wing for the installation is the Texas Air National Guard's 147th Reconnaissance Wing. Opened in 1917, Ellington Field was one of thirty-two Air Service training camps established after the United States entry into World War I. It is named for 1st Lt. Eric Ellington, a U.S. Army aviator who was killed in a plane crash in San Diego, California in 1913.

Culex pipiens

Culex pipiens

Culex pipiens é unha especie de mosquito chuchador de sangue da familia Culicidae. É un Vector epidemiolóxico dalgunhas doenzas, como a encefalite xaponesa, a meninxite e a urticaria. Nos Estados Unidos, tamén pode transmitir o Virus do Nilo Occidental.

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