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Architecture of Sydney

Architecture of Sydney

The architecture of Sydney, Australia’s oldest city, is not characterised by any one architectural style, but by an extensive juxtaposition of old and new architecture over the city's 200-year history, from its modest beginnings with local materials and lack of international funding to its present-day modernity with an expansive skyline of high rises and skyscrapers. Under the tenure of early nineteenth-century Governor Lachlan Macquarie, the works of Francis Greenway were the first substantial buildings for the fledgling colony. Later prominent styles were the Victorian buildings of the city centre created out of local Sydney sandstone, and the turn of the century Federation style in the new garden suburbs of the time. With the lifting of height restrictions in the post-World War II years, much of central Sydney's older stock of architecture was demolished to make way for Modern high rise buildings – according to Singh d'Arcy, in The Apartment House, "From the 1950s onwards, many of Sydney's handsome sandstone and masonry buildings were wiped away by architects and developers who built brown concrete monstrosities in their place.



Gévezé és un municipi francès, situat a la regió de Bretanya, al departament d'Ille i Vilaine. L'any 2006 tenia 3.460 habitants.

İspaniya artişoku

İspaniya artişoku

İspaniya artişoku — mürəkkəbçiçəklilər fəsiləsinin ənginar cinsinə aid bitki növü. Çoxillik, göy-yaşıl rəngdə bitkidir, 2 m-ə qədər hündürlükdə yerüstü gövdəsi var. Çiçəkləri qırmızı və ya bənövşəyidir, meyvəsi qutucuqdan ibarətdir. Bitki iyul ayında çiçəkləyir, meyvəsi avqustda yetişir. Respublikamızda İspaniya artişoku da becərilir. İspaniya artişoku boyca əkin artişokundan kiçikdir.



Rhön er en gruppe lave fjell sentralt i Tyskland i delstatene Hessen, Bayern og Thüringen. De har vulkansk opphav og er skilt fra nabofjellkjeden Vogelsberg av elven Fulda og dalen den renner gjennom. Fjellkjeden er en del av Mittelgebirge. Disse fjellene er en populær turistdestinasjon. Turgåere har nesten 6 000 km med turstier i det naturskjønne området, og seilflypiloter har kommet hit siden begynnelsen av 1900-tallet. Siden 1991 har UNESCO erklært Rhön for et biosfærereservat på grunn av det unike økosystemet.

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