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Luna Park (Coney Island, 1903)

Luna Park (Coney Island, 1903)

Luna Park was an amusement park in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York City. Luna Park was located on a site bounded by Surf Avenue to the south, West 8th Street to the east, Neptune Avenue to the north, and West 12th Street to the west. Luna Park opened in 1903 and operated until 1944. Luna Park was located partly on the grounds of Sea Lion Park, which operated between 1895 and 1902. It was the second of the three original iconic large parks built on Coney Island, the other two being Steeplechase Park and Dreamland. The park was mostly destroyed by a fire in 1944, never reopened, and was demolished two years later. Though another amusement park named Luna Park opened nearby in 2010, it has no connection to the 1903 park.



Scolyminae Less., 1832 è una sottotribù di piante spermatofite dicotiledoni appartenenti alla famiglia delle Asteraceae.

Раман, Бенито

Раман, Бенито

Бенито Раман — бельгийский футболист, нападающий клуба «Шальке 04».

Lijst van personen geboren in 1949

Lijst van personen geboren in 1949

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