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La psicologia è la scienza che studia gli stati mentali e i suoi processi emotivi, cognitivi, sociali e comportamentali nelle loro componenti consce e inconsce, mediante l'uso del metodo scientifico e/o appoggiandosi ad una prospettiva soggettiva intrapersonale. Si occupa anche dello studio e del trattamento delle funzioni psichiche sia in condizioni di benessere che di sofferenza o disagio mentale, dovute a dinamiche soggettive, ambientali o relazionali.

Texas Tech Red Raiders

Texas Tech Red Raiders

The Texas Tech Red Raiders and Lady Raiders are the athletic teams that represent Texas Tech University, located in Lubbock, Texas. The women's basketball team uses the name Lady Raiders, while the school's other women's teams use the "Red Raiders" name. The university's athletic program fields 17 varsity teams in 11 sports all of whom have combined to win 70 conference championships as well as 4 national championships. The Masked Rider and Raider Red serve as the mascots representing the teams, and the school colors are scarlet red and black. Texas Tech athletics teams compete at the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I level and is a founding member of the Big 12 Conference. From 1932 until 1956, the university belonged to the Border Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Texas Tech was admitted to the Southwest Conference on May 12, 1956. When the Southwest Conference disbanded in 1995, Texas Tech, along with the University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and Baylor University, joined with all eight former members of the Big Eight Conference to form the Big 12 Conference.



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Région de Goondiwindi

Région de Goondiwindi

La région de Goondiwindi est une nouvelle zone d'administration locale dans le sud du Queensland en Australie. Le 15 mars 2008, elle a été créée par la fusion de la ville de Goondiwindi avec les comtés d'Inglewood et de Waggamba. La région élit 6 conseillers et un maire. Elle comprend les villes de Bungunya, Daymar, Goondiwindi, Inglewood, Talwood, Texas, Toobeah, Weengallon et Yelarbon.

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