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御厨站 (静冈县)

御厨站 (静冈县)


Toronto Blue Ice Jets

Toronto Blue Ice Jets

The Toronto Blue Ice Jets were a Junior ice hockey team based out of Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. The team played in the Greater Metro Junior A Hockey League.



加里·麥卡利斯特,MBE,出生在馬瑟威爾,是一名蘇格蘭足球總教練兼前職業足球員,曾於阿斯頓維拉擔任助理總教練及看守總教練。 麥卡利斯特司職中場,亦可客串邊鋒。他的球員生涯長達20年。當時年僅20歲的他在轉會至萊斯特城前已經是馬瑟韋爾的球員。不久後,麥卡利斯特轉投里茲聯,隨即協助球隊取得甲級聯賽冠軍,由於里茲聯成績每況愈下,他不情願地轉投科芬特里,並帶領球隊一次又一次脫離降級區,最終在35歲時轉投利物浦,並到達其整個足球生涯的顛峰,他協助利物浦在兩年內拿下五個獎盃,最終重回科芬特里並光榮退役。 麥卡利斯特和大多數球員一樣,希望在職業生涯完結後成為總教練,當時還是科芬特里球員的他在2002年4月兼任了科芬特里的總教練。在2004年1月12日,他因為需要照顧其身患乳癌的妻子而辭任總教練職務,其妻則在2006年3月3日病逝。其妻去世後約兩年,麥卡利斯特於2008年1月重返里茲聯擔任總教練一職以取代前往紐卡索聯擔任足球總監的丹尼斯·懷斯。2008年12月21日,他被里茲聯解僱。

Arad, Israel

Arad, Israel

Arad is a city in the Southern District of Israel. It is located on the border of the Negev and the Judean Deserts, 25 kilometres west of the Dead Sea and 45 kilometres east of Beersheba. The city is home to a diverse population of 26,451, including Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews, both secular and religious, Bedouins and Black Hebrews, as well as new immigrants. After attempts to settle the area in the 1920s, Arad was founded in November 1962 as an Israeli development town, the first planned city in Israel. Arad's population grew significantly with the Aliyah from the former Soviet Union and peaked in 2002 at 24,500 residents. Landmarks in Arad include the ruins of Tel Arad, Arad Park, a domestic airfield and Israel's first legal race circuit. The city is known for its annual summer music festival, the Arad Festival.

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