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Siska Yuniati

Siska Yuniati

Siska Yuniati lahir di Bantul, 26 Jun 1980; umur 39 tahun ialah penulis, penyunting, dan blogger berprestasi asal Indonesia yang pernah memenangi anugerah Indonesian ICT Partnership Association dan anugerah Badan Bahasa Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Ia adalah Ketua Umum Perkumpulan Guru Madrasah Penulis

ديفيد بلازا

ديفيد بلازا

ديفيد بلازا ‏ ولد بتاريخ 3 يوليو 1970 في مدريد، هو دراج إسباني سابق في صنف سباق الدراجات على الطريق. سبق أن شارك في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية.

Grade II* listed buildings in Waverley, Surrey

Grade II* listed buildings in Waverley, Surrey

There are over 20,000 Grade II* listed buildings in England. This page is a list of the 95 Grade II* listed buildings in the district of Waverley in Surrey. There are 95 Grade II* listed buildings in Waverley, with the largest number, 44, in the town of Farnham which is one of three towns in the district. Castle Street there has 17 Grade II* listed buildings, leading to architectural historian Alec Clifton-Taylor to say that "for sheer visual delight, this street has few equals in all England".



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