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Pitigliano je mesto in istoimenska občina v italijanski pokrajini Grosseto, v deželi Toskana, območju Maremma. Mesto stoji na visokem pomolu iz tufa, ki se dviguje nad rekami Olpeta, Fiora in Lente. Čudovito staro mesto je znano kot mali Jeruzalem, zaradi zgodovinske prisotnosti judovske skupnosti, ki je bila vedno dobro vpeta v družbeni kontekst in ima svojo sinagogo.

Johanna Hagström

Johanna Hagström

Johanna Hagström is a Swedish cross-country skier that represents the club Ulricehamns IF SK. Hagström made her World Cup debut in January 2017 and scored her first podium in Cogne, Italy, in February 2019, by finishing third in the freestyle sprint competition.

Fiat G.91

Fiat G.91

The Fiat G.91 is an Italian jet fighter aircraft designed and built by Fiat Aviazione, which later merged into Aeritalia. The G.91 has its origins in the NATO-organised NBMR-1 competition in 1953, which sought a light fighter-bomber "Light Weight Strike Fighter" to be adopted as standard equipment across the air forces of the various NATO nations. After reviewing multiple submissions, the G.91 was picked as the winning design of the NBMR-1 competition. The G.91 entered into operational service with the Italian Air Force in 1961, and with the West German Luftwaffe in the following year. Various other nations adopted it, such as the Portuguese Air Force, who made extensive use of the type during the Portuguese Colonial War in Africa. The G.91 enjoyed a long service life that extended over 35 years. The G.91 remained in production for 19 years, during which a total of 756 aircraft were completed, including the prototypes and pre-production models. The assembly lines were finally closed in 1977. The G.91 was also used as a basis for a twin-engined development: the Fiat/Aeritalia G.91Y.

Juan Carlos Toja

Juan Carlos Toja

Juan Carlos Toja es un ex-futbolista colombiano. Jugaba como mediocampista y se retiró en New England Revolution de Estados Unidos.

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