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Amy Fisher

Amy Fisher

Amy Elizabeth Fisher, que mudou seu nome para Elizabeth Bellers, é uma mulher norte-americana que ficou conhecida como "a Lolita de Long Island" pela mídia em 1992 quando, aos 17 anos de idade, baleou e feriu gravemente Mary Jo Buttafuoco, esposa de seu amante Joey Buttafuoco. Ela inicialmente foi acusada de tentativa de assassinato em primeiro grau, porém assumiu ser culpada de agressão em primeiro grau, ficando sete anos presa. Depois de conseguir liberdade condicional em 1999, Fisher se tornou jornalista e escritora, antes de começar uma carreira como atriz pornográfica em 2007.

ყირგიზული სომი

ყირგიზული სომი

სომი — ყირგიზეთის რესპუბლიკის ეროვნული ვალუტა. მისი ISO 4217 ვალუტის კოდია KGS. დაყოფილია 100 ტიიინად. შემოიღეს 1993 წლის 10 მაისს და შეცვალა საბჭოთა რუბლი კურსით 1 სომი = 200 რუბლი.

Pilesgrove Township, New Jersey

Pilesgrove Township, New Jersey

Pilesgrove Township is a township in Salem County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 4,016, reflecting an increase of 93 from the 3,923 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 673 from the 3,250 counted in the 1990 Census. Pile's Grove was first mentioned in a deed dated April 15, 1701, through the date of the township's original corporation is unknown. Pilesgrove was incorporated as one of New Jersey's original group of 104 townships that were established on February 21, 1798. Portions of the township were taken on December 6, 1769, to form Pittsgrove Township and on July 26, 1882, to create Woodstown. The township was named for Thomas Pyle. In 1979, Pilesgrove Township enacted the state's first right-to-farm law, protecting farming as a "natural right hereby ordained to exist as a permitted use everywhere in the Township of Pilesgrove."



Drapetisca is a genus of dwarf spiders that was first described by Anton Menge in 1866. Females are 4 to 5 millimetres long, and males are 3 to 4 millimetres long. They are common on tree trunks from July to September, and they feed on insects and smaller spiders.

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