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Sitok Srengenge

Sitok Srengenge

Sitok Srengenge is an Indonesian poet, actor, and dramatist. Born Sitok Sunarto in Purwodadi, Central Java, he became interested in literature at a young age and was heavily influenced by his village's strong oral tradition. When he moved to Jakarta to complete his university studies, he became involved with the Bengkel Teater under Rendra. Sitok remained with the company for almost a decade, appearing in several plays as he refined his literary style. His first poetry collection, Persetubuhan Liar, was published in 1992. Sitok has since published multiple poetry collections, including a bilingual work titled On Nothing and a trilogy of revised editions known collectively as Tripitakata, as well as a novel and serial. He has presented his poetry in such countries as the Netherlands and Germany, and participated in writers workshops in Hong Kong and Iowa. His poems, noted for their "laconic, muscular, and musical" poetic phrase, have been adapted to music in a variety of genres. In 1999, Asiaweek described Sitok as "Indonesia's best young poet".



ピイは、ミャンマー中部バゴー地方域の都市。エーヤワディー川に面し、ヤンゴンの北西260kmに位置する。 シュエサンドーパゴダの街として知られている。 人口は2014年時点で約25.1万人 旧称はプローム。




Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Quedlinburg/Ortsteile

Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Quedlinburg/Ortsteile

In der Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Quedlinburg/Ortsteile sind alle Kulturdenkmale der Ortsteile Bad Suderode und Gernrode der Stadt Quedlinburg aufgeführt. Grundlage ist das Denkmalverzeichnis des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, das auf Basis des Denkmalschutzgesetzes vom 21. Oktober 1991 erstellt wurde.

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