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Оливия Роговска

Оливия Роговска

Оливия Роговска е австралийска тенисистка, родена на 7 юни 1991 г. Родена е и живее в Мелбърн. Играе с дясна ръка. Записала е победи над Йелена Докич, Алиша Молик, Мария Кириленко и София Арвидсон.

Michael Kightly

Michael Kightly

Michael John Kightly is an English former footballer who played as a winger. Kightly was rejected as a schoolboy by Tottenham Hotspur but worked his way back to League football with Southend United. He again slipped into the non-League though, before being spotted by Wolverhampton Wanderers while starring for Grays Athletic. He soon became a vital player for Wolves and was pivotal in their promotion to the Premier League in 2009. However injuries disrupted his time in the top flight before the club's relegation after three seasons. He joined Stoke City in August 2012 for an undisclosed fee. Kightly spent the 2012–13 season at Stoke before joining Burnley on loan in August 2013. After helping the Clarets gain promotion to the Premier League he made the move permanent in June 2014.

Crematogaster voeltzkowi

Crematogaster voeltzkowi

Crematogaster voeltzkowi är en myrart som beskrevs av Auguste-Henri Forel 1907. Crematogaster voeltzkowi ingår i släktet Crematogaster och familjen myror. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.

Índex de percepció de corrupció

Índex de percepció de corrupció

Des de 1995, Transparència Internacional anualment publica l'índex de percepció de la corrupció la classificació de països "pels seus nivells de percepció de corrupció, segons el que determina les avaluacions d'experts i enquestes d'opinió". el CPI defineix generalment la corrupció com "l'abús del poder públic per al benefici privat". A 2012, el CPI classifica a 176 països "en una escala de 100 a 0". En anys anteriors, l'escala anava des de 10 a 0.

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