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Сиенска школа

Сиенска школа

Сиенската школа е направление в италианската живопис, развиващо се в град Сиена през XIII-XVI век.

Jesper Olsen

Jesper Olsen

Jesper Olsen, född 20 mars 1961 i Faxe i Danmark, är en dansk före detta professionell fotbollsspelare, främst känd för att ha spelat för Ajax och Manchester United. Olsen spelade också för det danska landslaget där han gjorde fem mål på 43 matcher. Han var uttagen till spel för Danmark i EM 1984, VM 1986 och EM 1988.

Regio VIII (Pompeia)

Regio VIII (Pompeia)

Llista dels monuments presents a la Regio VIII de les excavacions arqueològiques de Pompeia. Comprèn l'extrem sud-occidental de la ciutat. Està limitada al nord per la via de l'Abundància i la via Marina, a l'est per la via Estabiana i a l'oest i al sud per a muralla, des de la porta Marina fins a la d'Estàbia.

Easter egg

Easter egg

Easter eggs, also called Paschal eggs, are eggs that are sometimes decorated. They are usually used as gifts on the occasion of Easter. As such, Easter eggs are common during the season of Eastertide. The oldest tradition is to use dyed and painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs wrapped in colored foil, hand-carved wooden eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as chocolate. However, real eggs continue to be used in Central and Eastern European tradition. Although eggs, in general, were a traditional symbol of fertility and rebirth, in Christianity, for the celebration of Eastertide, Easter eggs symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus, from which Jesus resurrected. In addition, one ancient tradition was the staining of Easter eggs with the colour red "in memory of the blood of Christ, shed as at that time of his crucifixion." This custom of the Easter egg, according to many sources, can be traced to early Christians of Mesopotamia, and from there it spread into Eastern Europe and Siberia through the Orthodox Churches, and later into Europe through the Catholic and Protestant Churches.

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