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Regno di Cartalia

Regno di Cartalia

Il Regno di Cartalia, anche noto come Kartli, fu una delle tre monarchie sorte nel XV secolo, in seguito alla dissoluzione del Regno di Georgia unitario. Dipendente per lungo tempo dalla Persia safavide, lo Stato cessò di esistere nel 1762, quando si fuse con il vicino Regno di Cachezia. Ebbe come capitale Tbilisi.

Hieronymus Megiser

Hieronymus Megiser

Hieronymus Megiser was a German polymath, linguist and historian.



Prentjiesberg is an outlier mountain of the Drakensberg in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, at about 2000 m above sea level and some 10 km north-west of the town of Ugie, near the southern tip of the mountain kingdom of Lesotho. The mountain stands high above the surrounding countryside, has a small summit area, with steep slopes and a local relief of 300 m or more. The name is said to have derived from the numerous San paintings in the region, prentjies being Afrikaans for "small pictures". The mountain boasts impressive rock formations, sheer sandstone cliffs, patches of indigenous forest, mountain bamboo and rich stands of proteas, and is drained by numerous streams, waterfalls and rock pools, in which a new species of fairy shrimp was recently discovered. It is also the preserve of crowned and black eagles, lanner falcons, bearded vultures and the threatened Cape vulture. Dassies are common along rocky parts while various large mammals such as blesbuck, mountain reedbuck and Burchell’s zebra have been introduced to the area. The mountain is encircled by a well-marked and moderately strenuous 50 km hiking trail taking 3 days to complete.



婆罗洲象,又称加里曼丹象、婆罗洲矮象、婆罗洲侏儒象等,原来被当作外来亚洲象的野化种群。2003年被认为应属于亚洲象的一个独立亚种,但其原生地目前尚无定论。 婆罗洲象个头比其它亚洲象还要小一倍。现在被认为是源自巽他群岛的驯化亚种。目前主要生存于婆罗洲岛北部沙巴。只剩下1500头左右。

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