Assen is in gemeente yn, en de haadstêd fan, de provinsje Drinte. Op 30 april 2017 hie de gemeente 67.579 ynwenners op in oerflak fan 84 km².
Assen is in gemeente yn, en de haadstêd fan, de provinsje Drinte. Op 30 april 2017 hie de gemeente 67.579 ynwenners op in oerflak fan 84 km².
Félix Henri Bracquemond was a French painter and etcher. He played a key role in the revival of printmaking, encouraging artists such as Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas and Camille Pissaro to use this technique. Unusually for a prominent artist of this period, he also designed pottery for a number of French factories, in an innovative style that marks the beginning of Japonisme in France. He was the husband of the Impressionist painter Marie Bracquemond.
الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها. فريديريك د كيروارتز كان سياسى من فرنسا.
FIAT, é unha empresa italiana adicada á fabricación de automóbiles, pertencente ó grupo industrial Fiat S.p.A. Fundouse en 1899, por un feixe de industriais torineses liderados por Giovanni Agnelli.