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Assen is in gemeente yn, en de haadstêd fan, de provinsje Drinte. Op 30 april 2017 hie de gemeente 67.579 ynwenners op in oerflak fan 84 km².

Félix Bracquemond

Félix Bracquemond

Félix Henri Bracquemond was a French painter and etcher. He played a key role in the revival of printmaking, encouraging artists such as Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas and Camille Pissaro to use this technique. Unusually for a prominent artist of this period, he also designed pottery for a number of French factories, in an innovative style that marks the beginning of Japonisme in France. He was the husband of the Impressionist painter Marie Bracquemond.

فريديريك د كيروارتز

فريديريك د كيروارتز

الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها. فريديريك د كيروارتز كان سياسى من فرنسا.



FIAT, é unha empresa italiana adicada á fabricación de automóbiles, pertencente ó grupo industrial Fiat S.p.A. Fundouse en 1899, por un feixe de industriais torineses liderados por Giovanni Agnelli.

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